When we think about birth practices today, we often picture a sterile hospital room with modern medical equipment and a team of doctors, midwives, nurses and doulas. However, just a century ago, birth practices in Canadian cities were vastly different. While some aspects may seem archaic and even dangerous by today's standards, some similarities have stood the test of time.

One of the most significant differences in birth practices in 1925 was where most births occurred. Unlike today, where most births occur in hospitals, in 1925, it was common for women to give birth at home. This was due to a lack of hospitals and medical facilities, particularly in rural areas. Midwives, or experienced lay-people, were the primary caregivers during births, and they were often the ones who would assist in delivering the baby at home. This was a natural and familiar environment for the mother, and it was believed to be the best place for her to give birth. Today, many people still believe that the comfort and safety of home is the best environment for the birthing parent. Home birth, has increased in popularity in the last three decades, and now means a space with low intervention rates (without a cascade of further procedures or surgery) combined with modern-day safety protocols of experienced and educated midwives making it seem like the best option once again.
Another difference in birth practices in 1925 was the lack of pain relief medication during labour. While today, epidurals and other pain relief options are available, in 1925, women had to endure the pain of labour without any medical assistance. This was believed to be the natural and normal way of giving birth, and women were expected to handle the pain without complaint. However, some women did use home remedies such as herbal teas or rubbing alcohol to ease the pain. Expectedly, many women struggled with birth-related injuries and emotional trauma due to the lack of these medications and interventions.
The role of men during childbirth was also significantly different in 1925. In today's society, it is common for fathers to be present in the delivery room and actively participate in the birth of their child. However, in 1925, men were often not allowed in the room during the birth, and it was considered a woman's domain. Men were expected to wait outside or in another room until the baby was born. In fact, most women who birthed in the hospital spent their labour either alone or packed in a room with many other labouring people.
Hospital stays were often a week long and women often spent their time talking to other women in their ward rooms learning or teaching infant care and recovering from their experience. Large heat lamps were often placed at the foot of the bed to promote perineal healing.
All newborns were put into a nursery and cared for by nurses. They were brought to their mother a few times each day and fathers, grandparents, and visitors could only see the babies through glass windows. Siblings only saw their new brother or sister when the baby arrived at home.
Despite these differences, there are also some similarities between birth practices in 1925 and now. For instance, the importance of proper hygiene and cleanliness during birth was recognized in both eras. In 1925, midwives were required to wash their hands and sterilize their equipment before assisting in the delivery. Today, this is still a standard practice in hospitals and birthing centers.
Additionally, breastfeeding was encouraged and seen as the best way to nourish a newborn in 1925, just as it is today. Formula was not widely available, and therefore, breastfeeding was the only option for mothers. If breastfeeding was not possible, the baby was given to a relative or a wet nurse for feeding. The importance of skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby was also recognized, as it is now, for bonding and promoting a healthy relationship between the two.
While birth practices in Canadian cities, in 1925, may seem vastly different from today, some similarities have remained unchanged. The shift towards hospital births, medical assistance during labour, and the involvement of fathers are just some of the changes that have occurred over the years. However, the importance of proper hygiene and the promotion of natural and healthy practices such as breastfeeding have stood the test of time. It is interesting to look back at how far we have come in the world of childbirth and to appreciate the advancements that have made the experience safer and more comfortable for mothers and their babies.