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International Doula Month - a two decade perspective

“There is something to be said about people who love birth and the birth process. The passion birthworkers feel, and the way we are drawn to a profession involving pregnancy, labour and birth is a true calling that not everyone can embrace.”

I love working with a mother who is strong and sure of what she wants.

I am the gatekeeper, the reminder that she has a goal.

I love working with a mother who needs some help figuring out a birth plan and what her deepest desires could be.

I am the key to unlocking things she already knows.

I love working with a woman’s partner who is her rock. I am the extra hands.

I love working with a woman’s partner who needs guidance, reassurance and ideas.

I am the source of information.

I love working with the nurse who says, “I am so glad you’re here.” I also love working with the nurse who pretends I don’t exist.

I feel like we make a great team, no matter what, to help this woman have the best birth memories.

I love working with midwives who appreciate the dual role we play.

I find those births are light, happy and relaxed and that makes mothers feel the same.

I love working with obstetricians who have called me and said, “Please take this client on.”

I know the doc believes we can ease a mind and provide support in ways they cannot.

I love the magic of the movements of pregnancy, labour and birth and how it all comes together.

I love “we did it” moment that a couple have together when their baby is born.

I love the look on a parent’s face when they see their child for the first time.

Badass Birth

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